Nestled in the heart of the Canadian Wilderness lies a small, but unique little camp called Discovery Lake Lodge, once known as an old railroad town called Zarn. Abandoned by the railroad back in the early 1900's, Zarn was a little hidden treasure where seven families called it home, that just happened to be right in the middle of the most prime fishing and hunting known to man.
Twenty-five years ago the property was purchased with the vision of turning it into the ultimate fishing and hunting resort. Paul Bohnen was a master carpenter with the creative vision to bring it all to life. Using the old Zarn houses as cabins for stay, construction was started on the first cabin at Discovery using the surrounding timber for resources. It was an instant success and cabins two and three followed soon after at Main Camp.
With the Discovery outpost set with brand new cabins, construction was spread out to neighboring lakes that would eventually bring new cabins to the Dominion and Zarn outposts. Now there are a total of 5 cabins that make up this sprawling hunting and fishing resort stretched over 30 miles. Paul and Cheryl Bohnen continue to grow their vision and have added many features and log structures to the sprawling resort including a sauna, ice shacks, fish cleaning houses and wood shacks.